Top 5 Panasonic Cameras

#1 - Panasonic BS1H


The Panasonic BS1H offers excellent image quality, versatility, and a smaller, lighter body than the S1H. It is well-suited for studio use and offers impressive outputs for video recording.


  • Excellent image quality
  • Versatile and lighter body
  • Locking SDI, ProRes, and B-RAW recording capabilities
  • Effective in-body image stabilization system


  • Limited control compared to the S1H
  • Lacks the option for still photography

#2 - Panasonic Lumix G9 II


The Panasonic Lumix G9 II is a solid platform for both photographers and videographers. The camera has improved image quality and autofocus performance compared to its predecessors. The video capabilities are impressive, with good stability and reliable battery life.


  • Improved image quality
  • Impressive video stability and battery life
  • Good autofocus performance for both stills and videos


    #3 - Panasonic BGH1


    The Panasonic BGH1 is a highly versatile and innovative box camera that offers exceptional connectivity options and flexibility. While it may not have the best image quality compared to other cameras in its price range, its small, lightweight, and modular design make it suitable for a variety of creative uses.


    • Exceptional connectivity options
    • Compact and lightweight design
    • Modular and versatile for a variety of creative uses
    • Impressive autofocus performance


    • Low frame rate in software
    • Lacks essential features like waveforms and vector scopes through HDMI
    • Controls are not very tactile

    #4 - Panasonic S1


    The Panasonic S1 is a professional-grade full-frame camera that delivers excellent image quality. It has a rugged design, great handling, and impressive image stabilization. However, the autofocus system can be a letdown for fast-moving subjects.


    • Excellent image quality
    • Rugged design and weather sealing
    • Impressive image stabilization
    • Great handling and ergonomic button layout


    • Autofocus system struggles with fast-moving subjects
    • Significant crop in 4K 60fps recording
    • Softening of EVF resolution during autofocus
    • Limited autofocus tracking capabilities

    #5 - Panasonic Lumix S5 II


    The Panasonic Lumix S5 II is a lightweight and compact camera with many improvements over its predecessor. It features improved autofocusing and is great for both photo and video work. The in-body image stabilization, fan for video mode, and 24-megapixel full-frame sensor make it a fantastic option for those looking for a versatile camera.


    • Improved autofocusing
    • Lightweight and compact design
    • Effective in-body image stabilization
    • Fantastic video capabilities


    • Autofocus struggles with moving subjects
    • Limited burst rate in mechanical shutter mode
    • Lack of improvements in overall image quality