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Voigtländer 50mm f/1.0 'Nokton' Review


The Voigtländer 50mm f/1.0 'Nokton' lens is a high-quality manual focus lens for Canon RF Mount cameras. It has a gorgeous build quality and handles and focuses very well. The image quality is good with high contrast and fast shutter speeds at F1. However, it is overpriced for what it offers.

I loved using the Voigtländer 50mm f/1.0 'Nokton' lens. Its quality is lovely, and with my cam manual focus assistance and in stabilization I found it quite easy shoot with and manually focus well if subject wasn't moving that is.

  • Gorgeous build quality
  • Handles and focuses very well
  • Good image quality and high contrast
  • Fast shutter speeds at F1
  • Significant Focus breathing
  • Strong vignetting at wider apertures
  • Overpriced for the features it offers

The build quality is absolutely gorgeous with a big metallic construction and fairly easy handling, although it lacks visible weather sealing around its mount.

The Voigtländer 50mm f/1.0 'Nokton' lens is a high-quality manual focus lens designed for Canon RF Mount cameras. The lens is priced at about £1,600, making it a premium product. The build quality is absolutely gorgeous with a big metallic construction and fairly easy handling, although it lacks visible weather sealing around its mount. The metallic Focus ring turns smoothly and precisely, providing a good user experience. However, it suffers from significant Focus breathing during use. The lens delivers good image quality with high contrast, fast shutter speeds at F1, and sharpness particularly from F2 onwards. However, at F1, some softness is visible in the middle and edges.The lens also exhibits strong vignetting at F1, which improves when stopped down. Distortion isn't visible, but the lens can only focus down to 45 cm which is average for a lens of its kind. It performs well against lights with good contrast and minimal flaring at F1. However, it shows a significant amount of coma smearing at wider apertures. The out of focus backgrounds look smooth, but there is strong longitudinal aberration at F1. Overall, the lens provides a pleasant shooting experience with high image quality, but it is overpriced for what it offers.

The lens delivers good image quality with high contrast, fast shutter speeds at F1, and sharpness particularly from F2 onwards.


This article is based on the review by

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing in-depth reviews and analyses of photography equipment, particularly lenses. Christopher Frost, the creator and host of the channel, is known for his thorough and detailed evaluations of various lenses from different manufacturers, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, and others.  To learn more, please visit the channel here.

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