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TTArtisan 28mm f/5.6 Review


The TTArtisan 28mm f/5.6 is a budget-friendly, aesthetically pleasing lens suitable for various camera systems. It offers sharpness in the middle, although corners can be soft on full-frame cameras. The lens has minor distortion and vignetting, but significant flaring issues. The minimum focus distance is one meter, limiting its versatility.

The TTArtisan 28mm f/5.6 is a visually appealing and budget-friendly lens that offers decent sharpness in the middle, making it suitable for street photography and landscapes.

  • Budget-friendly
  • Sharp in the middle
  • Aesthetically pleasing design
  • Suitable for street photography and landscape shots
  • Soft corners on full-frame
  • Significant flaring issues
  • Limited minimum focus distance
  • Moderate distortion and vignetting

It exhibits moderate distortion and vignetting, along with significant flaring issues when shooting in bright light.

The TTArtisan 28mm f/5.6 is a compact and visually appealing lens that provides decent performance for its price point. Despite being a budget-friendly option, it manages to capture sharp images in the middle, making it suitable for street photography and landscape shots. However, there are some drawbacks to consider, such as soft corners, noticeable flaring, and limited minimum focus distance. The lens can be adapted to various camera systems, adding versatility to its usage. On full-frame cameras, it exhibits moderate barrel distortion and vignetting at wider apertures, which can be corrected, but the significant flaring issues can pose challenges when shooting in bright light. Overall, while it may not offer the highest image quality, it can still be a compelling choice for those seeking an affordable wide-angle lens with a unique design and satisfactory performance on APS-C cameras.

The lens's minimum focus distance of one meter limits its versatility, and it may not offer the highest image quality overall.


This article is based on the review by

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing in-depth reviews and analyses of photography equipment, particularly lenses. Christopher Frost, the creator and host of the channel, is known for his thorough and detailed evaluations of various lenses from different manufacturers, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, and others.  To learn more, please visit the channel here.

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