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Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE Review


The Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE is a fantastic lens for the price. It has a solid build quality, great autofocus, and nice bokeh. However, it is a bit heavy and suffers from some chromatic aberration.

The Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE is a fantastic lens for the price. It has a solid build quality, great autofocus, and nice bokeh. However, it is a bit heavy and suffers from some chromatic aberration. The lens is optimized for digital cameras and provides a bright and sharp image at f/1.4.

  • Solid build quality
  • Great autofocus
  • Nice bokeh
  • Sharp images
  • Heavy
  • Chromatic aberration
  • Performance in bright light

The lens is sharp and offers good resolution, but suffers from some color fringing at wider apertures. In terms of performance in bright light, the lens struggles a bit, but it provides a very nice and soft bokeh.

The Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE is a fantastic lens for the price. It has a solid build quality, great autofocus, and nice bokeh. However, it is a bit heavy and suffers from some chromatic aberration. The lens is optimized for digital cameras and provides a bright and sharp image at f/1.4. It has a good build quality with a metal body and is electronically coupled with a responsive manual focus ring. On an APS-C camera, the lens is sharp and offers good resolution, but suffers from some color fringing at wider apertures. In terms of performance in bright light, the lens struggles a bit, but it provides a very nice and soft bokeh. Overall, the Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE is a top-notch lens that excels in many areas, providing striking images with pleasant bokeh and good sharpness.

Overall, the Samyang AF 50mm f/1.4 FE is a top-notch lens that excels in many areas, providing striking images with pleasant bokeh and good sharpness.


This article is based on the review by

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing in-depth reviews and analyses of photography equipment, particularly lenses. Christopher Frost, the creator and host of the channel, is known for his thorough and detailed evaluations of various lenses from different manufacturers, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, and others.  To learn more, please visit the channel here.

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