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Laowa 58mm f/2.8 Macro 2x Review


The Laowa 58mm f/2.8 Macro 2x is a strong performer in most aspects. It has a solid build, smooth manual focus, and provides excellent macro performance. However, it is on the pricier side and lacks auto-focus, which may deter some buyers.

The Laowa 58mm f/2.8 Macro 2x is a strong performer in most aspects. It has a solid build, smooth manual focus, and provides excellent macro performance. However, it is on the pricier side and lacks auto-focus, which may deter some buyers.

  • Solid build quality
  • Smooth manual focus
  • Excellent macro performance
  • Minimal chromatic aberration
  • High price
  • Lacks autofocus
  • Soft corners at wider apertures
  • Flaring can be more than average

Vignetting is well-controlled, and distortion is minimal. The bokeh produced by this lens is soft and pleasing, with minimal chromatic aberration.

The Laowa 58mm f/2.8 Macro 2x is a strong performer in most aspects. It features a well-built metal body and smooth manual focus, making it a pleasure to handle. The lens delivers excellent macro performance, allowing for impressive close-up shots. However, the lens lacks weather sealing and autofocus, which may be a drawback for some users. In terms of image quality, the lens is sharp with good contrast, but suffers from soft corners, especially at wider apertures. Vignetting is well-controlled, and distortion is minimal. The bokeh produced by this lens is soft and pleasing, with minimal chromatic aberration. However, flaring can be a bit more than average. The price of $500 may be considered a bit high, especially given the lack of autofocus, but for those who prioritize macro performance and don't mind the manual nature of the lens, it comes highly recommended.

The price of $500 may be considered a bit high, especially given the lack of autofocus, but for those who prioritize macro performance and don't mind the manual nature of the lens, it comes highly recommended.


This article is based on the review by

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing in-depth reviews and analyses of photography equipment, particularly lenses. Christopher Frost, the creator and host of the channel, is known for his thorough and detailed evaluations of various lenses from different manufacturers, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, and others.  To learn more, please visit the channel here.

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