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Pergear 14mm f/2.8 Mark 2 Review


The Pergear 14mm f/2.8 Mark 2 is a fully manual lens compatible with several mirrorless cameras. While it has some optical issues, it offers great sharpness, low distortion, and is an excellent value for the price.

Overall for the price you're paying, this a really nice performance even if a little de-centering. Check to sure you get a good copy of the if you buy one. Highly recommended for wide-angle photography, landscape, and even astrophotography.

  • Decent build quality
  • Excellent sharpness
  • Low distortion
  • Great value for the price
  • Flaring issues at wider apertures
  • Some optical issues
  • Limited close-up capabilities

The Pergear 14mm f/2.8 Mark 2 is a fully manual lens designed for Canon RF, Nikon Z, Leica L, Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras. It offers a full-frame ultra-wide-angle view and is priced at around 300 US dollars. Despite being an inexpensive Chinese optic, it boasts decent build quality and a smooth metallic focus ring.

The Pergear 14mm f/2.8 Mark 2 is a fully manual lens designed for Canon RF, Nikon Z, Leica L, Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras. It offers a full-frame ultra-wide-angle view and is priced at around 300 US dollars. Despite being an inexpensive Chinese optic, it boasts decent build quality and a smooth metallic focus ring. The lens has excellent sharpness in the middle and corner, although there are some optical issues like dark contrast in corners and slight softness at wider apertures. It also shows almost no distortion, and while the close-up image capabilities are not outstanding, they are reasonable. However, the lens has some serious flaring issues when shooting at wider apertures like f/2.8. On the positive side, it has very low coma and can produce nice sun stars at narrow apertures like f/16. Overall, the Pergear 14mm f/2.8 Mark 2 offers great sharpness, low distortion, and is an excellent value for the price, making it highly recommended for wide-angle photography, landscape, and even astrophotography, provided a good copy is obtained.

The Pergear 14mm f/2.8 Mark 2 offers great sharpness, low distortion, and is an excellent value for the price, making it highly recommended for wide-angle photography, landscape, and even astrophotography, provided a good copy is obtained.


This article is based on the review by

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing in-depth reviews and analyses of photography equipment, particularly lenses. Christopher Frost, the creator and host of the channel, is known for his thorough and detailed evaluations of various lenses from different manufacturers, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, and others.  To learn more, please visit the channel here.

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