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Funleader 18mm f/8 'Cap Lens' Review


The Funleader 18mm f/8 'Cap Lens' is a unique lens with a wide angle. It is very lightweight and pocketable, but it has limited functionality and image quality is not very impressive.

The Funleader 18mm f/8 'Cap Lens' is extremely lightweight and easy to carry around, with a unique wide angle look. However, it has heavy vignetting and soft corners in images, as well as limited functionality and control.

  • Extremely lightweight and pocketable
  • Unique wide angle look
  • Solid build quality
  • Heavy vignetting
  • Soft corners in images
  • Limited functionality and control

The lens lacks basic controls like aperture and focus, and its image quality is subpar, with sharpness limited to the middle of the frame and poor corner performance.

The Funleader 18mm f/8 'Cap Lens' is a Kickstarter project that promises a full frame lens with a wide angle of millimeter, but it has heavy vignetting and soft corners in images. The lens is extremely thin and lightweight, making it easy to carry around, but it lacks basic controls like aperture and focus. The image quality is subpar, with sharpness limited to the middle of the frame and poor corner performance. It also has limited functionality with a fixed focus distance and maximum aperture of f/8, making it unsuitable for close-up images or low light conditions. While it has a unique look and can be fun to use for certain styles of photography, its overall image quality is not very impressive.

While the Funleader 18mm f/8 'Cap Lens' may be fun to use for certain styles of photography, its overall image quality is not very impressive.


This article is based on the review by

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost

Christopher Frost is a YouTube channel dedicated to providing in-depth reviews and analyses of photography equipment, particularly lenses. Christopher Frost, the creator and host of the channel, is known for his thorough and detailed evaluations of various lenses from different manufacturers, including Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fujifilm, and others.  To learn more, please visit the channel here.

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